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Dental Cleaning

Dental Cleaning in Pitampura

The dental cleaning in Pitampura is the best way to prevent tooth decay and gingivitis and other gum infections. The cleaning at the dental clinic in Pitampura is done ultrasonically to detach the tartar from the teeth. We recommend doing it every 6 months at your trusted dentist in Pitampura.

Do not fear this dental treatment as it does not cause any discomfort for the patient.

Currently, dental hygiene has become practically a necessity, both aesthetically and to preserve our oral health.

The lack of cleanliness can lead us to a variety of dental problems.

Did you know…? After a professional dental cleaning …

After a professional dental cleaning it is normal that, to the touch with your tongue, you notice interdental spaces that previously went unnoticed.

Do not worry, it is common to have removed the accumulations of tartar and bacterial plaque that you had between your teeth.

In the same way, you know that you can consult any doubt about this with our team of dentists at the dental clinic in Pitampura.

At Vardhman Dental Care, we recommend going to the best dentist in Pitampura a minimum of twice a year to do a dental cleaning.

The dental cleaning can remove tartar from teeth and your brush is no longer able to remove.

Through dental cleaning, diseases such as dental decay, broken fillings and gingivitis can be detected early.

The tartar once formed can no longer be cleaned at home and you must go to the dentist to remove it as soon as possible.

Knowing how often you should do a mouth cleaning is essential for your oral health.

The frequency with which you must do a cleaning varies from person to person and the predisposition that you have to form tartar.

Poor hygiene, clogged teeth or habits like tobacco, can make you need this treatment more regularly.

Why is it important to maintain good oral hygiene?

Maintaining a daily oral hygiene routine is very important, to keep teeth clean. But the remains of bacteria can accumulate between the teeth and the gums so that they harden over time.

If we do not remove these remains a sticky and unsightly film forms, what we know as tartar. In addition, over time the teeth tend to wear and lose the white and radiant tone. As is known, long-term gum disease is one of the main causes of tooth loss.

If it is diagnosed early, it can be treated. Receiving regular dental cleaning, as well as examinations of the oral cavity, can effectively prevent gum diseases.

How is dental cleaning done with ultrasounds?

Dental cleaning is the common name with which the procedure of ” dental prophylaxis with ultrasounds ” is known.

We are facing a simple and painless process that consists in the elimination of tartar and bacterial plaque through an ultrasound device.

This will not only get an improvement in dental aesthetics but also eliminate bacteria from the teeth. In short, it is a process by which the dentist in Rani Bagh will clean the supragingival calculus of your teeth and gums.

If the plaque has advanced and has been placed under the gums leading to the appearance of periodontal pockets, it is necessary to remove it by means of a curettage treatment to prevent the development of periodontitis.

Does dental cleaning hurt with ultrasound?

It is common to find us in the dental clinic in Rani Bagh with patients who ask us these questions:

Hello, I have to do a deep dental cleaning or curettage and I would like to know how it is done and if it hurts a lot. Will they have to prick me in the gum? How often?

Normally, dental cleaning with ultrasound does not hurt. In general, a single session that does not cause any kind of pain is enough. Although there are people who may have more sensitivity in the teeth.

If you have a lot of tooth sensitivity, you can ask your dentist in Delhi to give you some anesthesia. Performing dental cleaning periodically will be the best way to eliminate dental plaque and thus prevent tooth decay and periodontal disease.

Depending on the dental quality, oral hygiene and our diet we should do cleaning more or less often, but as a general rule should be applied every 6 or 12 months.

It is done in a session of about 30 minutes and does not cause any damage unless the patient suffers some periodontal infection.

Although it usually does not hurt to do a dental cleaning it can be annoying. That is, it is possible to have dental sensitivity, especially if you already have sensitive teeth.

The dental cleaning in Pitampura allows the elimination of tartar that accumulates in the teeth and that it is not possible to remove with the brush at home.

Dental cleaning is a simple dental treatment to improve oral health and prevent the onset of tooth decay and gingivitis.

That is to say, we act in a preventive way, in order to reduce the dental problems caused by the accumulation of bacterial plaque. It is likely that during the days following the oral cleaning, we notice the gums more sensitive to changes in temperature.

How to treat supra or subgingival calculus?

When the calculus has progressed below the gum, it becomes necessary to make root-canal curettes.

There are two methods to do dental cleaning: manual instruments and ultrasonic dental cleaning:

Cleaning at the dentist with ultrasound

In this case, the dental cleaning process will be faster. Dental cleaning with ultrasound is done by a tool that produces a vibration that facilitates the removal of tartar without damaging the tooth. After cleaning with ultrasound at the dentist in Saraswati Vihar, the teeth are polished.

Cleaning at the dentist with dental curettes

Curettes are stainless steel instruments that have tiny heads that allow teeth and interdental spaces to be cleaned.

The periodontist will adopt them on the surface of all the teeth to reach each corner and eliminate the supra and subgingival calculus.

Once you have completed the scraping, apply a prophylactic paste to polish the surface of your teeth. If the dental conditions presented by the patient are bad, two to four curettage sessions may be necessary to eliminate all the tartar.

If you maintain good hygiene of your mouth, you not only will be preventing all kinds of oral infections. But it will make your routine dental treatments easier and less bothersome.

Does tooth cleaning wear out teeth?

One of the most common urban legends is that teeth cleaning wears away teeth.

Being a myth totally false and that does not respond to the reality since it is demonstrated that the teeth cleaning does not wear the teeth.

The reason why it is thought that it causes tooth wear is the feeling of empty spaces that remain after a dental cleaning.

This feeling that notes of space between the teeth are normal. It is due to the removal of tartar, which to date was in that area.

Why does not tooth cleaning affect tooth enamel?

Professional tooth cleaning does not affect the enamel of the teeth.

The ultrasound devices that have the ability to vibrate and undo tartar without causing any damage to the enamel. We are facing the best dental treatment when it comes to avoiding the appearance and development of all types of oral pathologies.

It is simple and painless that it will not cause any discomfort to the patient, not damage to the teeth, rather the opposite. Professional dental cleanings do not cause dental wear despite the many rumors that talk about it.

How often should we undergo dental cleaning?

At least it is advisable to perform one or two dental cleanings every year, however, you must take into account the particularities of each case in particular.

Your dentist in Delhi will explain the frequency with which you must do a dental cleaning in your particular case. In short, a dental cleaning is the most important and effective prevention technique in dentistry.

Professional dental cleaning from time to time is very advisable to keep the smile healthy for longer. The result is a beautiful smile, but oral hygiene should be reinforced if you want to extend the results over time.

Fear of dental cleaning

Many patients avoid cleaning at the dentist for fear of pain or dental anxiety. But in general, it is a painless process, which is done in a single session. It also guarantees a deep cleaning of gingival grooves and interdental spaces, restoring dental health.

Utensils for good oral hygiene

Oral hygiene is one of the aspects considered most important in the dentistry sector. It is essential that it is to carry out a thorough cleaning of the mouth after each meal, in order to avoid the accumulation of plaque between the teeth.

What is it and how is each of these tools used?

Following constant oral hygiene is the best way to fight diseases of the mouth. Although the technique of brushing is always insisted on, there are also other utensils that are important to know.

Good oral hygiene begins with the use of the conventional brush, but it does not end at this point. The dental floss, the interdental brush, and the oral irrigator are also tools that can help us.

Although some do not need to be used so often, using them from time to time strengthens our oral health and allows us to show much prettier teeth.

The toothbrush: the key to oral hygiene

It is the basis of all oral hygiene; The toothbrush is irreplaceable and essential, and ideally, it should be used at least three times a day.

Thanks to the brushing we get to eliminate the plaque deposited on the teeth and thus prevent its accumulation. It can be manual or electric, and soft, medium or hard bristles.

In general, the most recommended in dental clinic in Pitampura are the intermediate brushes for everyone. Choosing a toothbrush suited to our needs is very important.


It is the essential complement of brushing. The regular use of dental floss allows a much more precise and deep oral hygiene since it eliminates the remains of food and bacteria that accumulate in the spaces between the teeth.

It is recommended at least once a day and be careful not to make sudden movements, so as not to damage the gum.

The interdental brush

It is usually recommended to those patients who have more space between the teeth. As a result, plaque build-up and debris between teeth is more likely to occur.

The interdental brush allows us to access areas of the mouth that, if not used, we could not reach with the normal brush. After using it, you can rinse your mouth and remove all the particles that are spread through the mouth.

The oral irrigator

The oral irrigator emits water under pressure and is used to remove the plaque, the remains of food. Pressurized water allows the elimination of waste that remains scattered in the mouth.

Although it can be cleaned in a general way, we should never use the oral irrigator as a substitute for brushing, since it does not eliminate all the remains of food.


It is also an important complement to tooth brushing that helps eliminate harmful bacteria from the mouth. In fact, mouthwash manages to eliminate up to 97% of bacteria and food debris.

Dentist in Pitampura recommends using it at least twice a day to keep gums healthy.

The lingual cleaner

The tongue cleaner is a supplement to oral hygiene that is not well known. It is an accessory that has an oval shape and is placed on the dorsal surface of the tongue to remove oral bacteria that accumulate on it.

It is really useful to avoid, for example, episodes of halitosis (bad breath).

Types of dental cleaning

There are two types of dental prophylaxis treatments: professional dental cleaning and periodontal treatment.

Cleaning outside the gum

The oral hygiene is performed whenever there LAC – level scale but not below this line.

We should all carry out annual hygiene since there are always areas of the oral cavity that are difficult to access, where remains of food accumulate which, in the future, will be the main constituents of tartar.

The treatment should not cause any problem or discomfort to the patient and, in cases in which it has a high sensitivity (usually due to acute gingivitis) should be anesthetized to perform the treatment.


Cleaning inside the gum

The periodontal treatment will be performed when there is a presence of tartar above and below the cemetaryamelo line.

That is, there are periodontal pockets greater than or equal to 4 mm deep in the periodontal catheterization. This treatment must be done every six months and must be controlled by a periodontist.

Normally the treatment of the gums will be done under anesthesia and will not cause any problem for the patient. The problem and gingival and periodontal disease are progressive and chronic, that is, it must be treated periodically and controlled.

Why is it important to clean at the dentist?

Many professionals recommend performing a professional dental cleaning every six months. But, why is cleaning at the dentist so important?

Dental Aesthetics

The foods we consume tend to stain our teeth. Tobacco and foods such as coffee or wine favor the appearance of spots on the surface of the teeth.

A professional dental cleaning occasionally helps keep teeth whiter and more beautiful.


Good prevention is key to avoid the development of different oral diseases. In this sense, professional dental cleaning allows eliminating the remains of bacteria between the teeth and the gums.

Professional cleaning in addition to preventing caries and periodontal diseases also helps prevent bad breath.

Maintain a healthy smile

Cleaning in the dental clinic in Pitampura contributes to maintaining good oral health. In this way, the risks of developing pathologies derived from the accumulation of oral biofilm in the mouth are reduced.

In addition, the dentist in Delhi can detect and treat early any oral pathology that is detected while you go regularly to your hygienists.

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