
Bad breath. Know The Causes And 5 Tips To Avoid It

People suffering from bad breath, also called halitosis, usually do not notice. They get used to it and only the people around them smell it.

It is not a disease in itself, but a problem that affects many people and can be defined as an unpleasant, undesirable and repulsive odor that is exhaled from the mouth during breathing.

According to the best dentist in Delhi, 58 million Indians suffer from bad breath. That is, about 30% of the population has or will have halitosis at some point in their lives and will be embarrassed to exhale a bad odor through their mouths.

The main causes of this problem are known to be stress, low water intake, tongue coating (a whitish layer that accumulates on the tongue, consisting of food and bacteria remains), low saliva production and especially poor oral hygiene.

This means that for the vast majority of cases the picture is reversible. Halitosis can be prevented and well-controlled and in most cases resolved.

bad breath

What causes bad breath?

Although 90% of bad breath cases are linked to oral hygiene issues, there are over 60 possible causes for bad breath.

Often good hygiene advice and changing habits may be sufficient to solve the problem. But when bad breath is linked to oral disease or problems, it is most appropriate to seek treatment from a dentist in Delhi, who may also refer you to other professionals if necessary.

It is always important to find the cause of bad breath as, in certain cases, it can be a symptom of some disease, such as diabetes, kidney, respiratory, ketosis, among others.

Below are the most common causes of bad breath:

1. Inadequate oral hygiene

Dead cell accumulation in the mouth is the main cause of 90% of bad breath cases.

It occurs mainly in the tongue coating, which is that whitish discharge that accumulates on the tongue and is made up of food scraps. Bacteria feed on this residue and the flaking cells of the mouth.

This generates fermentation, which releases a strong, very unpleasant, sulfur-containing component.

2. ENT causes

Tonsillitis, pharyngitis, rhinitis, and sinusitis. When there is a nasal infection, mucus builds up and secretions run down the nose towards the throat, causing bad breath due to the presence of bacteria.

3. Food or specific habits

Certain foods, such as onions, garlic, some cheeses, among others, can cause bad breath. The same happens when you smoke, drink coffee or drink too much alcohol.

4. Long break between meals

It is also very common to have bad breath when you take very long breaks between meals, such as on diet diets and just after waking up.

5. Use of medicines

Certain remedies can also generate bad breath. It is the case of medicines containing penicillin or drugs for cancer treatment, antihistamines, amphetamines, tranquilizers, diuretics, and others, which cause decreased salivary flow.

6. Diseases

Some characteristic odors may demonstrate the presence of systemic diseases, such as diabetic individuals with renal or hepatic impairment.

7. Stress

Constant nervousness and anxiety also lead to reduced saliva production, which favors the formation of the tongue coating.

Does bad breath hinder your social life?

Those who suffer from bad breath usually have their social, affective and professional life compromised. Halitosis interferes with an individual’s intimate relationships, self-esteem, and self-confidence, and increases their anxiety. Constantly unpleasant breath can have psychological effects ranging from lack of confidence and embarrassment to a continual increase in stress.

In some cases, individuals who suffer from bad breath are mocked and bullied by those around them. Many who seek treatment for bad breath report having felt social and professional discrimination and tend to isolate themselves or create defensive behaviors to disguise bad breath. In these cases, there is greater interpersonal distancing and limitations in oral communication.

Even some compulsive behaviors have been observed by people with bad breath, such as a desperate attempt to mask the odor by over-brushing their teeth, using excess mouthwash, and even hurting their mouth, teeth, and tongue. However, this creates even greater frustration for individuals with bad breath as they are ineffective solutions due to their short duration.

5 Valuable Tips To Avoid Bad Breath

1. Beware of Oral Hygiene

Try to sanitize your mouth thoroughly by brushing your teeth at least 3 times a day or after any meal using floss, toothpaste, and mouthwash. This eliminates food residues from the mouth, making it harder for bacteria to proliferate, which are the major causes of bad breath.

2. Do not forget the language!

Clean the tongue well. You can brush it gently with each brush. Or better yet, make use of lingual scrapers, which reach the back third. Tongue coating, originating from the combination of cells, saliva, and bacteria, is a major cause of bad breath and should be addressed by maintaining daily cleansing on the tongue. It humiliates and embarrasses in front of friends and family.

3. Stay well hydrated

Drink at least 2.5 liters of water a day. If the mouth becomes dry, producing less saliva, the breath may become stronger and unpleasant.

4. Beware of food (or lack thereof)

Improve your eating habits by avoiding condiments or smelly foods such as onions, garlic, curries, meats, etc. Also avoid drinking alcohol, coffee, and sodas. Prefer teas, especially green teas, which help keep your breath healthy. And avoid long-term diets.

5. Stop Smoking

Cigarettes are a major cause of bad breath as they release chemicals that harm the body and cause serious problems to the teeth and gums. Smokers are more susceptible to plaque formation, which also help in the proliferation of bad breath.

Seeking the solution to bad breath

Bad breath can have a huge impact on the quality of life. And seeking treatment can be the first step to a great and positive change. The oral surgeon in Pitampura is the professional indicated to conduct this process of diagnosis and treatment of bad breath.

Treatment may involve not only the dentist in Delhi but also other professionals – if bad breath has varied origins – and of course requires your attention and commitment, adhering to the recommendations and treatments defined by the healthcare professional.